We cordially invite you to a two- day Holotropic Breathwork seminar in Prague.
Holotropic Breathwork™
is a new approach to psychology and psychotherapy. Using the accelerated breath, evocative music and bodywork we will release emotional and bioenergetic blocks and connect to our inner healing intelligence. We will have 2 breathwork sessions (1 time as a breather + 1 time as a sitter)
The seminar will be led by scholars of Stan Grof. We will experience way to our inner world, beyond the borders of ordinary states of consciousness, beyond the border of space and time. We will connect with our inner healing wisdom.
What will happen at the weekend?
- Beginning on Friday at 5 p.m. This evening will be dedicated to theory of Holotropic Breathwork and preparation for Saturday practice.
- On Saturday we will practice Holotropic Breathwork; first process before lunch and the other in the afternoon. After each process we will have the opportunity to create mandalas. In the evening we will have a sharing circle, integration techniques and recommendations about self-care for the following days. The seminar will finish around 9 p.m.
- The seminar will be held in English and Czech.
Who is Holotropic Breathwork appropriate for?
Very often for people who:
- would like to understand themselves better and deepen their process of self-discovery
- feel the need of a change in their lives, feel the stagnation, or confrontation with feelings, emotions or experience, which might be difficult to accept, realize or change
- are interested in dep transformative work in a safe space
- are involved in nonordinary states of consciousness and its healing potential
- would like to support their therapeutic process
- are interested in solving their psychosomatic disorders
- and many others ….
We will create a circle as one tribe, healing circle of confidence, trust and respect to each individuality as it is. It allows us to let go and surrender to the healing process.
If you feel the calling to be a part of this circle, don’t hesitate and do your booking in time. The number of participants is limited. Please book on this site or send email to pavel.sevcik@holotropic.club
Studio Loona, Prague, Czech Republic
Friday 28th February 2020, 5 p.m. – 9 p.m. lecture
Saturday 29th February 2020, 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. breathwork
- A notebook for writing and drawing
- Comfortable and casual clothes
- Shoes easy to taken on and off
- A scarf or a blindfold
- Plastic bottle for water
- Your medicine (in case you suffer from e.g. asthma, high blood pressure, …)
- A sleep bag (in case you would like to spent a night with us in common room in studio)
The scholars of Stan Grof and his co-workers, certified by Grof Transpersonal Training:
- Magdalena Šimečková
- Karel Fuller
- Pavel Ševčík
160,- EUR early bird registration until 15th February 2020
200,- EUR regular price
This price includes coffee breaks, Saturday lunch and dinner.
Community style:
10,-EUR/night/pers. in the common room in studio, with your own sleep bag, from Friday to Saturday. There will be available mattress and shower for you. You can choose the option during the booking process. One night more accommodation (Sat – Sun) is possible too, you can decide on spot.
A higher comfort:
In case you would rather have higher standard, please book one of the private room, hostels or hotels nearby. Do not hesitate to contact us for any help.
If you feel the calling to be a part of this circle, don’t hesitate and make your booking in time. The number of participants is limited. It is necessary to register in advance.
Phone call: +420603427545 Pavel Sevcik (also WhatsApp, Viber)
Email: pavel.sevcik@holotropic.club
The retreat will be led by Magdalena Simeckova, Pavel Sevcik and other facilitators according to the size of the group.
Magdalena Simeckova
Since I first experienced Holotropic Breathwork in 1999 holotropic approach has become integral part of my personal and professional life. I became certified Holotropic Breathwork practitioner in 2011 and I co-organise training modules in Czech Republic with Grof Transpersonal Training. Yet animals, especially dogs, are another passion of my life. By bringing mind, body and the soul in alignment, incorporating holotropic mindset I build a bridge between human and animal worlds, as I run dog training centre focusing on non violent, compassionate dog training and canine and human communication. As I experienced or/and became trained in native american tradition, shamanic journey, body oriented psychotherapy, dance and meditation, my heart and passion still stays with the breathwork.

Certifikovaný facilitátor holotropního dýchání, průvodce šamanskými technikami.
Prošel dlouhou cestou duchovního rozvoje, mnoha výcviky a má v sobě něco jedinečného a silného. Potřebuje jít za světlem, pravdou, léčením, propojovat. Hodně ví a umí to předat, vyprávění jsou úžasná. Karel je mužem na své spirituální medicínské cestě, tanečníkem obřadu Tance slunce. Být tanečníkem slunce je velká pocta a závazek kráčet po rudé stezce bojovníka. A to Karel opravdu žije s neoblomným záměrem, který je inspirující až nakažlivý. Praktikuje duchovní a šamanskou cestu prérijních indiánů. Absolvoval šamanský výcvik v rámci nadace Prof. Michaela Harnera „Foundation for Shamanic Studies“ a završil ho studiem vyspělých šamanských technik. Zabývá se fenomény smrti a umírání, vede mužské kruhy, šamanské semináře, přechodové rituály a rituály potní chýše.
V rámci výcviku facilitátora holotropního dýchání a transpersonální psychologie se již řadu let věnuje také problematice psychospirituální krize. Je členem České psychedelické společnosti. Organizoval Českou transpersonální konferenci v roce 2016 a byl také koordinátorem Mezinárodní transpersonální konference ITC 2017 v Praze. Provozuje e-shop Pijumate.cz, který se specializuje na prodej čaje Yerba maté.
Pavel Sevcik
The holotropic perspective is my big passion. I’ve spent years on a holotropic journey from the 90′, especially with Holotropic Breathwork. In 2015 I attended Grof Transpersonal Training program for professionally trained facilitators. I love the Holotropic Breathwork as a rediscovered essence of ancient knowledge, reformulated for this age. In the past 20 years I have met holotropic states of consciousness through various techniques and traditions, so I had a rich opportunity to explore and compare the experiences. I have felt the red line going through various cultures and traditions as well as through my heart. My experiences led me to more truthful living of my live, with more love and passion. That is what I want to share and help to create as a facilitator.
Registration process
Please book on this site or send email to pavel.sevcik@holotropic.club
- Do the booking on the website (registration is not binding until you send the payment)
- Fill and send the medical form (please make it immediately)
- Wait for confirmation of your attendance, based on the medical form
- Process the payment and notify us by email about that
- Wait for our confirmation of your payment = final confirmation of your attendance
- Than you can arrange your travel details.
Complete terms and conditions you can find here https://holotropic.club/terms-and-conditions/
The venue is close to city center. It’s easily reachable from main station, bus station, airport or highway, by public transport or by car.